Therapy Is Self Discovery Offers Cognitive Assessments to Objectively Measure Important Cognitive Trends
As part of relevant treatment, it is standard practice to objectively check up on areas such as memory, attention, reasoning, and verbal ability-all cognitive abilities you need to function optimally in everyday life. It’s not a test-it’s a quick checkup on how you’re doing today, like a blood pressure cuff for your brain.
Why is Measuring Cognitive Health Important?
We all have a subjective idea of how our brains are doing-some days we feel “off” or have “brain fog,” while other days we feel like we can take on the world. But how much better are we on the good days? Are lifestyle or health changes making a difference? That’s where cognitive assessment comes in. By putting a number to these subjective feelings, we can discover what is causing the good days in order to have more of them. When your brain is performing, every activity in your daily life will be easier, from remembering where you parked your car to doing your monthly budgeting and bill paying.
Once the client performs the various brief tests to establish their cognitive trends we can create a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs and perform retesting to assure that the treatment modalities used are effective. The specific outcomes of the person’s score will leave out the guessing work as to what might be going on and be more specific in areas that need supportive counseling through Cognitive or Behavioral Therapy.
Why not try a sample test and see how easy and fun it is!
(631) 766-1240 |